Nora Ayzman

Parents noticed very early that their 4-year-old daughter comes alive at the sound of the piano; her eyes are shining, hands and feet moving to the rhythm of the dance. A year later, she started children's music school. Once Nora sat at the piano for the first time at the age of 5, she has not left the sight of it.

The music does not tolerate negligence and bustle. It requires a total commitment, a commitment that Nora understood from the early stages of her education, through the music school, then through the music college, which she graduated with the highest honors. Her hard and persistent work resulted in a recommendation to further her music education at Odessa State Conservatory. After 5 years of intense study, she received a Diploma with Excellence as a performer, chamber music ensemble soloist, as well as, an accompanist and a teacher. Over the years Nora tried herself in all ventures. She was part of a chamber ensemble, an accompanist at Odessa State Philharmonic, and taught at the School of Music. But most of all, Nora found her calling and passion for teaching. For many years she enjoys and appreciates the success and accomplishments of her students more than of her own.

Upon arriving at the United States of America, Nora began her journey in the new life as a performer, giving solo recitals and participating in music festivals. It was not long after she came to this country that the local press recognized her musicality and technique. Although successful as a performer, Nora's yearning to teach music prevailed. She opened her piano studio over 15 years ago and to this day she enjoys teaching people of all professions and ages. She touches everyone's life and no matter what journey they choose for themselves, music seems to accompany them everywhere. It only means that life with music is richer and more interesting, and there is nothing more rewarding for a true teacher.

Photos & Videos

At a minimum of twice a year, Nora's students share their accomplishments with their friends, parents, and peers. Check out the photos and videos of Nora's students practicing, performing, and receiving awards.

Students Letters

Students' feedbacks

See what Nora's students and parents say about their experience of playing the piano and the impact it had on their day-to-day lives.